An (almost) postcard of our summer

1 min reading
September 2023

Dear friends,

The sweltering August heat is finally easing. The subject of back-to-school begins to mingle with those of the beach and pool, which have happily monopolized the children's conversations since their return from camp. A beautifully decorated letter is slipped under the office door... "Thank you for this summer".

That's how the summer ends for Fiers & Forts. We'd like to take this opportunity to send you a quick note, to wish you all, dear friends and members of our family, a wonderful start to the new school year.

carte postale CFF

What did the Fiers & Forts do this hot summer?

At the Center

The educators, supported by kind-hearted volunteer Émeline, offered daily creative workshops and games for the children: Monopoly, bracelets, word puzzles, mandalas... And, without really realizing it, the children used these fun tools to practise conjugation, multiplication and other basics to keep their school knowledge fresh in their minds. Regularly throughout the summer, Aikido teachers came to share this martial art with the children, who even forgot the heat to try this new sport.
The children also took part in the "Hot Stone" project with woodcarver Win Wood. They created some superb wooden benches for our increasingly welcoming Fiers & Forts Skatepark.

Summer camp by the sea

Almost all the Fiers & Forts went to summer camp by the sea this year, and they all came back amazed, with (sea) stars in their eyes, and a multitude of adventures and encounters to tell us about.

Swimming pool outings... and a swimming pool in !

For the few children who weren't able to leave the center, some of our Fiers & Forts friends generously opened their pool so that everyone could cool off and enjoy playing in the water (and learning to swim!!). And we received a gift that surprised and delighted many! When the children entered the classroom expecting to do an activity, it was a surprise to see, instead of tables and school equipment... a swimming pool !

Teenagers on internships

Once again this summer, we encouraged our older children to go on internships so that they can discover the professional world, a new environment and new people. It's an opportunity to grow differently, to take on responsibilities, to be more autonomous and also to ask themselves concrete questions about their future.
A total of 16 young people took part in carpentry internships as well as internships at Alwan, Beldine, El Fenn, Epic Travel, La Vie en Rose, La Perle aux Oiseaux, Les Maitres du Pain, Royal Mansour and Villa des Orangers. Once again this summer, dear friends and partners, you have generously welcomed our children, for which we are most grateful.

We'd like to express our warmest thanks to all of you, for your support, each in your own way, and your commitment to us, so that our children could spend a wonderful summer.